Winston, R.L. - 8'9" 2-pc 9wt Fiberglass Rod
Winston, R.L. - 8'9" 2-pc 9wt Fiberglass Rod
Sold Out
For sale here is an 8'9" 2-pc 9wt fiberglass Winston rod in excellent+ used condition. Serial #1670, made in 1986. Built on a sanded brick colored blank with bright guides wrapped dark red. Both sections are serialized, and the spigot ferrules fit snugly with a gap to allow for wear. 6 3/4" wells grip is clean and smooth. Up-locking anodized reel seat with removable butt cap and 1.5" cork fighting butt. Designed for steelhead/salmon fishing and "light saltwater" work. Very smooth and powerful medium action. Scripted weight is 4 3/4oz but it's closer to 5.25oz on my scale. Excellent+ condition throughout, some minor darkening of the grip is the only thing keeping the rod from being mint. Sold in the original bag and tube with beige Winston decal affixed. From the collection of Per G. Brandin.
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